I remember going to the Salvation Army Soup Kitchen with my Dad when I was a teenager or back from school and helping make sandwiches and serving it to those in need. Pick Pears at the Church Pear Farm with my youth group. These are some of my greatest memories.
I have always thought doing service for others was fun and never a burden. Lily and Chloe had such a great time today. Lily said " Mom this is fun can we come every day" I wish we could.
Hey Lesa,
Remember us??? Where are you guys these days? Ronny finally finished up at OSU and we moved to Utah last summer. WE just bought our first home and will be moving next month. (Its not scheduled to be finished until then.) Your kids are super cute. I'd love to catch up with you.
I never saw it as a burden, either, but as I read this I realize I have not instilled that in my children. FHE here I come!
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